Today’s art, Queen Amidala!

With our tax return, Chase got us a blu ray player and a surround sound system. He got it all set up last night and we tried out our first blu ray we’ve bought, Sherlock Holmes šŸ™‚ It’s a huge difference from our crappy $30 dvd player from target. Chase got Enchanted on blu ray for free for his birthday from Disney (LOL) and we have Monsters Inc on dvd/blu ray (one of those deals that came with both), and I went ahead and changed my netflix account to include blu rays. I think we also get netflix streaming? All very exciting.

Anyway today’s princess is Amidala…

And it’s my 100th (finished) pic posted in the 365! Yay!
(I’m behind by a few days. I don’t count the sketches towards my final count.)